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Fitch Rates Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank (Health & Hospital Corp.), IN 2015B Series Rfdg Bonds “AA+”

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New York, NY | June 5, 2015
Fitch Ratings

Fitch Ratings assigns an 'AA+' rating to the following Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank (Health and Hospital Corp. of Marion County), IN bonds:

  • $16,750,000 refunding bonds, series 2015 B (the bonds).

The bond proceeds will be used to currently refund the bond bank's outstanding series 2005 D bonds for an estimated present value savings of $2.1 million with no extension of the final maturity date of 2025.
In addition, Fitch affirms the following ratings:

  • Approximately $170 million unlimited tax general obligation bonds (ULTGOs), series 2010A-1 and 2010A-2 affirmed at 'AA+';
  • Approximately $19 million general obligation bonds, series 2005D affirmed at 'AA+';
  • Approximately $502 million lease revenue bonds, series 2013A, 2010B-1 and 2010B-2 affirmed at 'AA'.

The Rating Outlook is Stable.

Fitch Rates "AA+" HHC Rating (June 2015)

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