Sarah S. Riordan
In October 2024, the Bond Bank issued $27,900,000 in tax-exempt lease revenue bonds secured by a pledge of Local Income Tax (LIT). The 2024D bonds are the final tranche of the Circle City Forward (CCF) $190,000,000 program to invest in public facilities across Indianapolis. The 2024D bonds financed the construction of a new 70,500-square-foot animal care shelter with administration offices, detached barn, and outdoor space, and an additional 7,025-square-foot under-roof for indoor/outdoor kennels. The new facility will also include an improved medical clinic and lab space, modern lobby and reception area, improved space to assess and monitor animals, and other design improvements for more efficient operations. Indianapolis Animal Care Services (IACS) and the animal shelter are crucial components of the City’s ability to enforce the laws of Indianapolis – Marion County and to protect the health and safety of animals and people.
The project will be funded by the Series 2024D Bonds alongside high-impact support from community partners. The IACS project is being partially funded from funds raised through a capital campaign sponsored by Friends of Indy Animals ( ).
Construction on the IACS project expected to begin in November 2024. Substantial completion is expected February 2026, and final completion is expected by March 2026.